Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added new script command: ExportBusView(filename, BusID, FileType, width, height, QualityOptions). Quality Options are optional.
ExportBusView("c:\temp\bus1a.jpg", [Bus 1], JPG, 640, 480);
ExportBusView("c:\temp\bus1b.jpg", [Bus 1], JPG, 640, 480, [100, 1]);
ExportBusView("c:\temp\bus2.gif", [Bus 2], GIF, 800, 600, [1, 0.1, 1]); - Oneline Diagrams: Bug fix so images copied to the clipboard can consistently be pasted into other programs (such as Paint).
- Transient Stability: The new script command TSTransferStateToPowerFlow was not working correctly and has been fixed.