Software Patches

November 16, 2018

Features and Improvements

  • File Formats: Modified the reading of the OTG Contingency Format. Recent versions of this format have changed the file syntax. PowerWorld Simulator will automatically figure out which format the file is and read it appropriately.
  • Transient Stability: Added a new generator relay model called GP3 which was developed in the NERC SAMS committee.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Help: Modified so that the help documentation more reliably opens using whatever the default browser is in Windows. Previously it would sometimes open with Internet Explorer instead of the user's default browser.
    • Help: Fixed the Help buttons on the Switched Shunt dialogs in Edit and Run mode so that they open the appropriate help topics.
    • Transient Stability: Fixed a bug where a definite time-delay on a relay was specified as 3000 seconds. This was causing a problem inside simulator that caused the relay to behave like the time delay was 0 seconds (actually a negative number of seconds). This has been modified so that time delays larger than 2000 seconds will be treated internally as 2000 seconds
    • User Interface Dialogs: The PTDF dialog had a checkbox "Use Area/Zone Filters" that needed to be checked if Area/Zone/Owner filters were to be applied. This checkbox step is unnecessary and has been removed. Now if Area/Zone/Owner filters are specified they will be applied to the case information displays on this dialog without requiring any extra options.