Software Patches

May 4, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Transient Stability: Changed how contingencies are named when automatically inserting contingencies based on bus groupings. It was possible for contingencies to have the same name if basing the name purely on the buses that are on the outside of the grouping. This would cause contingencies to be overwritten and not all expected contingencies were created. Now if a contingency is found with the same name and the contingency actions are different, the lowest bus number internal bus will be appended to the name of the contingency to make the name unique.
  • Transient Stability: Fixed bug when saving or loading CTG_AutoInsert_Options to or from an aux file when using the BUSGROUPING element type.
  • Weather: Fixed how the Transient Stability\Summary\Models In Use table and Power Flow Weather Models In Use table function in case information displays. If the Weather Related Models and Information Dialog was open at the same time as the Model Explorer was showing one of these tables the software would crash. This has been fixed.