Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Added special right-click option at the top of the case information local menu to "Follow link in browser". This will only be an option if the first 7 characters of the cell clicked on are http:// or if the first 8 characters are https://. If those are not the first 7 or 8 characters then the option is not visible. This will work on any cell on a case information display.
- Case Information Displays: Modified so that Bus View is the first menu item in the object specific sub-menu on Case Information Displays
- User Interface Dialogs: Add buttons to the Substation and Bus dialogs in both Edit and Run mode on the Geography tab to "Open Google Maps". This button will automatically launce the default browser on the computer and open the Google maps website to the latitude/longitude coordinate on the respective dialog.
- Power Flow Solution: Fixed a bug when adding more than one VSC DC Line to a bus. It was only solving one line instead of all the VSC DC Line. Also the bug was preventing from seeing the VSC DC Lines in the BusView.
- Power Flow Solution: When determining the Setpoint Voltage Tolerance to use with generators regulating voltage, only generators with an available AVR range can be used for selecting the tolerance. If no range is available the tolerance will be 0.