Software Patches

March 16, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • QV Curve Tool: When running a QV curve at a bus, SVCs that are remotely regulating that bus are now turned off control. SVCs should be treated the same as generators that are remotely regulating the curve bus and need to be turned off control to not conflict with the fictitious generator. When a contingency or base case cannot solve and the fictitious generator is used to try to make them solve, switched shunts and SVCs at the curve bus are now turned off control and SVCs that are remotely regulating the curve bus are turned off control. These need to be turned off so that they do not conflict with the voltage setpoint of the fictitious generator.
  • Transient Stability: Added an Event message for DISTRELAY models to say which Zone number activated the relay.
  • User Interface Dialogs: Fixed a bug related to equivalencing and selecting buses by area, zone or substation with the n number of neighbors option.