Software Patches

March 10, 2021

Features and Improvements

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added an optional parameter at the end of the special PROMPT section when specifying a filename in a SCRIPT command. That value can either be Continue or Abort. If you don't specify it this will be Abort (present behavior). If Continue is used, then we will simply skip the script command and continue reading the AUX file. If that is omitted or anything else is in that location we will Abort the entire read of the AUX file as is done now. Example syntax is as follows:
    LoadAux("", YES);
  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added support for reading future concise variable names that will be used in Version 22 for the following objects. This only impacts reading AUX files as Version 21 will continue to write the legacy variable names.
    CTGResultStorage, QVCurve, PVInterfaceResult, PWQVResultListContainer, PWPVResultListContainer, CTG_AutoInsert_Options, Equiv_Options, Fault_Options, IG_AutoInsert_Options, Limit_Monitoring_Options, LODF_Options, MessLog_Options, PTDF_Options, Scale_Options, Sim_Environment_Options, Sim_Simulation_Options, TLR_Options. Also all the difference case tool objects representing Removed*** objects
  • Difference Case Tool: When using an Aux Export Format to save Difference Case changes to file for objects that have at least one field that has changed, all objects were being saved if certain fields were included in the list of fields to save. Now only fields that are enterable and included in the difference case comparison will be considered fields that can change. These fields will still be written to the file but will not be included in the filtering.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed concise variable names for H6E model
    • Help: An error occurred when Exporting Case Object Fields prior to even opening a case. This has been fixed so you are not required to first open a case.
    • Sensitivity Calculations: Added some extra topology checking prior to running Shift Factor/TLR and PTDF calculations.
      Make sure that bus topology has been checked to determine if any buses have changed connection status. If the user has changed the status of branches and not run the power flow, this is necessary to calculate the correct results when using a Lossless DC method. When using the Full AC method a power flow solution is necessary after changing branch statuses to get the correct results.
    • Sensitivity Calculations: Prior to running LODF calculations through GUI tools or script commands for Single LODF, LODF Matrix, Advanced LODF Calculation, or LODF Screening make sure that bus topology has been checked to determine if any buses have changed connection status. If the user has changed the status of branches and not run the power flow, this is necessary to calculate the correct LODF values. Some LODF tools also provide a post-contingency flow estimate. For these to be correct the power flow will need to be solved.
    • Transient Stability: "Ramping Values to" By "Percent of Start" was not ramping to the correct end value. This bug was found while ramping generator MWSetpoint, but would have affected other device types also.
    • Transient Stability: TS Model MNLEX1 is now more robust for all possible situations during initialization.