Features and Improvements
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Added an Area contingency action which can change the AGC method and any area slack designation (Bus or Injection Group).
- Transient Stability: Modified the Insert Apply and Clear Fault button the Transient Stability dialog so that when performing this for a transmission branch it automatically added THREE actions: Apply Fault, BRANCH Open Near, and BRANCH Open Far.
- Transient Stability: Modified the default Kis value for a GENTPJ model to zero (0.0)
- Transient Stability: Reordered the list of Object Types on the Transient Stability Contingency Element Dialog so that those most frequently used are listed first and "Branch" is selected when the dialog first opened.
- Transient Stability: Modified the Transient Stability Contingency Element Dialog to move the Save button to the top of the dialog to reduce confusion
- Transient Stability: On the Results from RAMMinimum/Maximum Values tab, enabled the ability to Contour Columns on the case information displays
- Transient Stability: Added a new column on the PlayIn Case Information display in the model explorer to show the Number of Signals and a list of the respective Signal Names
- Transient Stability: Previously when opening both ends of a transmission line, Simulator would automatically clear any fault that was there, so that if in a subsequent event the line was closed back in the fault was no longer present. This has been modified so that the fault will remain until the user explicitly includes an event to clear the fault.
- Transient Stability: When running a transient stability simulation, if the Multi-Terminal DC Converters is above its maximum current rating in the base case then in the stability simulation we assume the maximum current is equal to the base case current.
- Transient Stability: Added Ownership columns to the validation objects
- Transient Stability: Added additional validation checks to GENTPF to enforce that Tdopp>Delt*TimeStep and Tqopp>Delt*TimeStep
- Transient Stability: Modified the initialization of the WT3E wind turbine electric model to ensure it initializes to exactly a zero derivative.
- Transient Stability: Modified how Type 3 and Type 4 wind turbines are handled in the network boundary equations to improve solution convergence. (They are now modeled as a constant current explicitly.)
- Transient Stability: Added additional validation checking so that for the GENTPF and GENTPJ models (Xdp=Xdpp) and (Xqp=Xqpp) are NOT allowed as the results in an invalid model.
- Transient Stability: Added validation checking on the various time constants for wind turbine models to prevent numerical instability
- Transient Stability: When loading an DYD file, warning messages are written to Simulator's log if an MVABase is specified different than the MVA base in the power flow case (presumably read from an EPC file). We now limit the number of warning messages to 30 so that the log is not overwhelmed if the case has a large number of these changes.
- Transient Stability: When reading and writing a DYD, added an extra voltage measurement delay parameter for the WT3G and WT4G models
- Transient Stability: For a REXS model with extremely high gain value (> 10,000) modified to use a larger subinterval integration (64 subinterval steps)
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When entering data in the transformer XF Auto field by pasting or from an aux file, an access violation could occur if the field is blank. Now a blank is just ignored and the field is not changed.
- Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: For ATC calculations, changed the internal threshold for excluding monitored lines if their PTDFs are too small from 0.001 to 0.00001. With this number too large, limiters could be excluded even if their OTDFs are significant.
- Contingency Analysis: Fixed error with loading in Contingency Globals actions which contained comments when reading them from a SUBDATA section
- File Formats: When reading and writing an EPC file we now properly interpret a three-winding transformer with status signifying that a single winding is open. We now interpret a value of 2, 3, or 4 to signify that the secondary, tertiary, or primary winding are open.
- File Formats: When writing to an EPC version 18, Simulator was truncated bus names to 8 characters. This has been modified to truncate to 12 characters intead.
- Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): Fixed an access violation that could occur when using the Close Breakers to Energize Switched Shunts.
- Transient Stability: Fixed error with loading from an AUX file data related CMPLDW fields
- Transient Stability: Fixed a problem with GenPlayIn not producing real and reactive power and now is reporting the results of MW and MVAR to the TS case info for Buses and Gen
- Transient Stability: Previously a GENTPF or GENTPJ model with Tdopp = 0 or Tqopp = 0 resulted in a divide by zero error and NAN values in the solution resulting in solution failure.
- Transient Stability: Simulator will now automatically detect if (Tdopp = 0) or (Tqopp = 0) and model the generator using a reduced order transient generator model of a salient pole machine with no amortisseur winding
- Transient Stability: Modified the GENSAL and GENROU case information display lists so that they properly show non-default parameter values in a bold font
- Transient Stability: Fixed a caption for Total Newton Iterations on the Transient Stability dialog's Results from RAMSummary tab
- Transient Stability: Removed the Show Dialog button on the list of Transient Contingencies. There is no dialog to show so this didn't do anything before and caused confusion.
- Transient Stability: Fixed an initialization error with the MTDC_PDCI model that could cause a no disturbance simulation to not run completely flat.
- Transient Stability: When reading a DYD file, any MVABase specified with a WT1G, MOTOR1, GENIND, GENWRI, or WT2G was not being properly read. This has been fixed
- Transient Stability: Modified stability to no change the minimum firing angle of DC line or converters in the stability simulation. Previously we changed these to 5 for rectifiers and 15 for inverters. We now just leave them alone.
- Transient Stability: Corrected automatic Limit Correction of the WT3E wind turbine model when Xiqmin or Xiqmax were violated in the initial state.
- User Interface Dialogs: Modified the Generator Dialogs to show the Zone and Area number for the generator object itself instead of for the bus. Normally these are the same anyway, but they are not always the same.