Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: With Branch and Transformer tables can now show the regulated bus for a transformer due to ZBR (very low impedance branches) groupings. The ZBR bus is the bus that is actually regulated.
- Oneline Diagrams: Added drawing of automatic control symbol when drawing transformer symbol using circles.
- Power Flow Solution: Angle smoothing is done when branches are closed to help power flow convergence. Some modifications were made to how this is done to further help convergence.
- Transient Stability: For WTGT_A model, fKShaft < 0 is treated as a single mass model.
- Transient Stability: Initial speed Wo can now be specified with WTGT_A model. Previously, this was always assumed to be 1.0.
- Transient Stability: Fixed initialization of the PRef input to the REEC_A exciter model when (PFlag = 1) is set to model torsional oscillations.
- Transient Stability: On the User Defined Model GUI, key fields for user defined model machine models were not getting populated correctly and an access violation could result. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: If modifying a transient stability load model through an AUX file or SimAuto, a new model would be created with only the fields specified in the file with the remainder of the fields set to defaults instead of only the fields specified for existing objects being updated. This has been fixed.