Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added ability to edit the Star bus name, voltage magnitude, and voltage angle on the three-winding transformer record.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): In the built-in Network Model Auxiliary File Export Format Description, added field for the three-winding transformer for star bus Name, star bus per unit voltage magnitude and star bus voltage angle in degrees.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added a new field for a Branch called MeteredBus. This shows the same information as MeteredEnd bus instead you enter the number of the bus which is metered. This make coordination of field when reading/writing from an AUX file or another database easier because the order in which key fields are listed doesn't matter then. The existing field MeteredEnd will say FROM or TO, but this must be coordinated with the how the From/To bus of the branch are defined.
- Case Information Displays: Added ability to edit the Star bus name, voltage magnitude, and voltage angle on the three-winding transformer record.
- Difference Case Tool: Modified the Present Topological Differences from Base Case tool so that it can write out an AUX file that converts one case into another case by using the new built-in Network Model Auxiliary File Export Format Description
- Difference Case Tool: Added the Impedance Correction tables to the BaseCase storage of the Difference Case Tool.
- Difference Case Tool: Modified the case information displays for NEW and BOTH tables on the Present Topological Differences from Base Case tool to show the same fields as are written to the "Network Model" Auxiliary File Export Format Description.
- Difference Case Tool: Modified the Present Topological Differences from Base Case Tool so that it does not consider the flipping of the from/to bus of an Area-To-Area tieline a DELETE and ADD of a object anywmore. Previously it did this to avoid the confusing treatment of the MeteredEnd field. There is now a new branch field MeteredBus which avoids this confusion.
- File Formats: Sped up the the reading of hdbexport CSV files greatly. The parser in Version 19 is much more flexible for reading these files but it had made reading the files slow. This has been fixed so that it remains fast as it was in Version 18 but also flexible so we can add future fields easily.
- Scheduled Actions: Allow scheduled actions to be identified by label in the scheduled action dialog.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to store the GIC transformer nuetral current in transient stability.
- Transient Stability: Improved network boundary equation solution for loads which use the Distribution Equivalent.
- Transient Stability: Added a new script command TSAutoInsertZPOTT(reach, filtername); where reach is a number representing the per unit reach and of the zone 1 relays (0.8 to represent 80%) and filter name is the name of a filter describing which Branch objects upon which to add these relays. Note that the zone 2 reach is hard-coded as 1.2 (120%) for this command.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed bug with the sorting of balancing authorities by name which would cause a balancing authority not to be found when setting an object's balancing authority by name even if the balancing authority was already created.
- Power Flow Solution: Within a group of generators coordinating remote voltage regulation, it was possible for some of the generators to become stuck at their max or min var limit while the others continued to float between limits. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug with PlayInGen machine model when the initial frequency was not nominal frequency (60 or 50 Hz typically).
- Transient Stability: When running a transient stability simulation it was possible for the Selected Step TreeView on the left of the dialog to become out of sync with the dialog. This has been fixed.
- User Interface Dialogs: Fixed an access violation that could occur when auto inserting injection groups with bus participation points.