Software Patches

January 8, 2016

Bug Fixes

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Generator reactive capability curves will first be cleared for a particular generator if a new one is being loaded from an auxiliary file for that generator requiring that all curve points for a given generator must always be specified in an auxiliary file. Reactive capability curves can now be created while in Run mode.
  • Contingency Analysis: When using a Custom Monitor to return the number of elements in a contingency, zero was always being returned. This has been fixed.
  • General: The PowerWorld Simulator icon was missing from the pwrworld.exe file. This has been fixed.
  • Oneline Diagrams: On the Zoom, Pan, and Find Objects dialog the zoom and pan values will be applied when clicking the OK button.
  • Transient Stability: For transient stability model, fixed coordinated initialization of the Distribution Equivalent Model when both a Load Characteristic and a Load Distributed Generation Model exists.
  • User Interface Dialogs: Fixed an access violation that could occur when viewing the Case Comments.