Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Added two new functions to the Expression for looking for sub-strings inside other strings. These mimic the Microsoft Excel functions Find and Search.
Find(Find_Text, Within_Text, [Start_Num]). Returns the integer position of the sub-string Find_Text looking inside the string Within_Text. You may optionally instruct us to start the search at character position Start_Num. If Start_Num is not specified, then we start at position 1. The search is case-sensitive. You may not use wildcard characters * or ?.
Search(Find_Text, Within_Text, [Start_Num]). Returns the integer position of the sub-string Find_Text looking inside the string Within_Text. You may optionally instruct us to start the search at character position Start_Num. If Start_Num is not specified, then we start at position 1. The search is not case-sensitive. Also the Find_Text may include a ? to indicate any single character of an * to indicate any number of characters. - Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): Corrected problems with incremental topology processing during contingency analysis that could lead to inconsistent results depending on the order in which contingencies are processed.
- Power Flow Solution: If the user hit the Single Solution button when the case had zero buses, an access violation would appear. Modified so that an appropriate message appears indicating there are no buses!
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug that would not monitor the correct interfaces when defining a transient stability plot with interfaces. The plot would show the correct interfaces but the values for these interfaces would not be the ones monitored during the run.