Features and Improvements
- Transient Stability: When converting composite load models (CMPLDW) to component parts, now have options for specifying whether the transformer or feeder will be added if impedances are zero. If they should be added, also have option to specify the non-zero impedances.
- Transient Stability: Added stabilizer output voltage to the Minimum/Maximum Values results table.
- Transient Stability: Added support for gain parameter Kdrp with machine model LCFB1.
- Contingency Analysis: Fixed a bug that would not allow the contingency specific solution options to load via an auxiliary file.
- Power Flow Solution: Fixed an access violation that could occur when solving the power flow after appending the case with a new closed branch.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: Fixed a bug that would not allow the QV specific solution options to load via an auxiliary file.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a problem that would not allow the block diagrams to load into Acrobat.
- Transient Stability: Models with blank IDs will be ignored.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug in creating SMIB for multiple generator buses.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug in ESAC7B in which Va was being multiplied by the compensated terminal voltage rather than the terminal voltage.
- Transient Stability: GENTPF/GENTPJ and GENCC ignore speed effects in the generator stator voltages.
- Transient Stability: Modified determination of fsrt for GGOV3 and corrected bug in which (1,1) point wasn't being added to GV/PGV curves for hydro units.
- Transient Stability: Modified GENTPF so saturation is considered on the q-axis for case with Tqop = 0.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug in which the wrong exciter saturation curve was being used sometimes if E2 < E1.