Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Updated the removed duplicate interfaces feature to handle limits. Previously, the interface limits of the first interface encountered in a series of duplicates were kept. This has been updated so that the limits will be updated to keep the most restrictive set of interface limits.
- Case Information Displays: Updated the removed duplicate interfaces feature to handle limits. Previously, the interface limits of the first interface encountered in a series of duplicates were kept. This has been updated so that the limits will be updated to keep the most restrictive set of interface limits.
- Case Information Displays: Added new available fields for an Island to show DistMW and DistMvar across the island.
- Case Information Displays: Added the DistMW and DistMvar as default columns on the Case Information Displays for Areas and Zones.
- Transient Stability: Modified plots so that various colors can be specified to make it easier to create plots with darker backgrounds. This added the following fields to various plot objects.
TSPlot: TitleFontColor, TitleFontColorUse
TSSubplot: BackgroundColor2, AxisColor, GridLineColor, LegendColor, BackgroundColor2Use - Transient Stability: Modified plots so that you may specify whether fonts appear in bold. This added the following fields to various plot objects.
TSPlotVertAxisGroups: TitleFontBold
TSPlot: TitleFontBold
TSSubPlot: AxisTitleFontBold, TitleFontBold, FooterFontBold - Case Information Displays: Fixed out of range error that could result when saving Model Filters to an auxiliary file using the local menu option to Save As Auxiliary File on the Model Filter case information display.
- Oneline Diagrams: Right clicking on an unlinked bus display object could result in an access violation. This has been fixed.