Software Patches

December 5, 2023

Features and Improvements

  • Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added new script command RenumberCase. It applies the bus swap list as it exists in memory. This was needed to renumber XF correction tables without the GUI. They do not have custom fields, so the ordinary Renumber scripts won't work.
  • Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Tool: Added "Use Options for Heatmap from FERC Order 2023" option with ATC analysis. This will set the ATC options necessary for producing the Transfer Limiter results based on the FERC Order 2023 heatmap requirements. This will set the options for Max Limiter Per CTG, Max Limiter Per Element, Max Limiter MW, and Transfer Limiters to Save along with the Include Contingenecies, Report Generation Reserve Limitations, and Report Base Case Limitations. Interfaces will not be monitored and the Ignore PTDFs Below option will also be ignored. The Single Linear Step Solution Method will be used and any ATC Extra Monitors will be ignored.
  • Bug Fixes

    • File Formats: Fixed a bug saving Scheduled Actions to PWB