Software Patches

December 21, 2021

Features and Improvements

  • Case Information Displays: Add a right-click option on all case information displays called "Show Field Descriptions". When clicking on Show Field Descriptions, a dialog will appear listing all the fields that are presently shown as columns in the case information display, along with the description of those fields. This is the same description that appears in the hover hints when moving the mouse over the column headers as well as the string that appears in the Export Case Object Fields option from the Window Tab in Simulator.
  • Transient Stability: Added a button on the Model Explorer when showing transient stability models called "Parameter Descriptions". This button is adjacent to the "Show Block Diagram" button that was already there. When clicking on Parameter Descriptions button a dialog will appear listing all the dynamic model input parameters for the class of model being shown, along with the description of those fields. This is the same description that appears in the hover hints when moving the mouse over the column headers as well as the string that appears in the Export Case Object Fields option from the Window Tab in Simulator.
  • Transient Stability: Modified the CMLD and CMLPDW model so that if a loading factor for a motor is set as 0.0, then we simply interpret as 1.0 instead. 0.0 causes divide by zero errors which don't make sense.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Oneline Diagrams: Fixed various issues with being able to update generator field objects on a oneline using an AXD file and selecting specific generator display fields based on the field that they are displaying using the Select by Criteria tool.
    • Oneline Diagrams: Fixed a bug specifying the most commonly used load display fields when using the Select by Criteria tool.
    • Oneline Diagrams: Fixed a bug specifying the most commonly used transformer display fields when using the Select by Criteria tool.
    • Transient Stability: When storing to result to RAM, if a plot contains a value Simulator will automatically store that value to RAM. This was not working properly for the VSCDCLines so that these results were not stored to RAM automatically. One could choose to store them in the Result Storage options but they were not automatically stored. This has been fixed.
    • Transient Stability: Fixed defaults for the CMPLDW load model -- the values for the single phase motor model were being set as though it was a three-phase model.
    • Transient Stability: Bug fix for DISTRELAY line relay model to prevent relay operation during load encroachment.
    • Transient Stability: Fixed initialization issue with OEL4C