Features and Improvements
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: When opening the QV Curves dialog, the columns being shown in the Bus tab are processed. If the column "Selected" is in the list and the column "QVSelected" is NOT in the list, then the Selected Column is replaced with "QVSelected". In Version 18, we changed QV curves so that only buses that are flagged as QVSelected=YES are processed. In Version 17 and earlier we used the field Selected=YES. As a result, older PWB files may exist which have the Selected column in this table causing confusion. This change will avoid this confusion.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed bug when loading interface elements from an AUX file when the keywords for "BRANCH" etc.. used lowercase characters. In some locations it was not properly reading the interface elements.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Store Line Tap by default with Transformer data. This had only been stored with Branch data and might be needed if the fixed taps are anything other than 1. Reordered the priority fields for the transformer nominal kV, fixed taps, and actual tap so that hopefully we end up with the correct actual tap after loading an aux file.
- File Formats: Fixed bug when appending PWB cases and the same substation exists in both cases.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: Fixed invalid pointer error associated with monitoring inadequate voltages with a PV run.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: Fixed bug with ramping PV transfer in which the source contains the system slack. The slack would not actually move and could reach a situation in which no ramping is actually being done even though the tool looks like it keeps increasing the transfer.
- Transient Stability: Fixed access violation on Stability tab of the transformer/branch dialog.
- User Interface Dialogs: Fixed bug with how much you can scale each parameter. Bug would force the limit to 99999.