Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Allow string expressions to be referenced by name in addition to location number.
- Case Information Displays: Added a new field for BRANCH, GEN, and SHUNT objects called "RegBus by ObjectID". When showing this field, the option that is used to specify which key field to use in SUBDATA sections is used to identify the regulated bus by either primary, secondary, or label identifiers. When reading from an AUX file any of these identifiers can be used to identify the regulated bus.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Fixed access violation that could appear when using the CTGSolve script command to solve a contingency while the case is in DC power flow mode.
- General: Fixed an access violation that could result when using the MOVE command on a branch, the owner being used before the move is the default owner, and the from bus of the branch following the move is a different owner than the original default owner. Now if the branch has the default owner before the move we will force it to have the default owner after the move as well. The default owner is the owner of the from bus.
- Transient Stability: Fixed error in reading the ZLIN1 model from a DYD file when nfar value is read as negative. This negative sign in the DYD file indicates the units of the r1ang1 and x1z1 values. Simulator encodes this distinction in the "Imp Type" flag instead. When nfar was read as negative value from DYD we were not properly setting the "Imp Type" flag.