Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Allow the AutoInsertTieLineTransactions script command to be applied regardless of the mode. We had been restricting this to edit mode because this destroys and adds area transactions, but we allow this same action to be applied through the GUI regardless of the mode.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): When creating a ModelCondition in the user-interface it was possible to choose the object type "Transformer" which would then filter the list of branches to show only those branches that were transformers. This however was messing up the definition of the filter associated with the Model Condition. This has been fixed.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): Added a new parameter for MaxOption to the script command CTGCreateContingentInterfaces(filtername, MaxOption); This can be either
1. None: same behavior as before
2. Branch: only create interface if the ViolationCTG is for the highest overload the particular Branch experiences during any contingency
3. CTG: only create interface if the ViolationCTG for the highest overload the particular Contingency causes on any branch
4. BranchCTG: only create interfaces that would represent the union of the sets create by using the option Branch OR CTG