Features and Improvements
- General: Implemented Merit Order Close injection group scaling option with Scale tool.
- Transient Stability: Added Gen MVABase field to SMIB eigenvalue display.
- Transient Stability: Added ability to read another PSS/E DYR Helper file for reading BAT_PLMOD_REMOVE commands to disable various dynamic models.
- Transient Stability: Added parameters on transient stability dialog to specify minimum MW and P/Q ratios to use in complex load models.
- Case Information Displays: When changing a data maintainer through the GUI, prevent a data maintainer from being assigned to a data maintainer if it will cause a circular reference.
- File Formats: When loading RAW files, look for *! characters to indicate a comment in addition to /.
- File Formats: When loading a RAW file, duplicate lines are now overwritten instead of creating duplicate lines.
- General: Error messages could show up in the message log if an SVC and switched shunt on either discrete or continuous control are regulating the same bus. This is not an error; there was simply a problem with the message reporting. This problem has been fixed.
- General: Various places in Simulator report the devices that are regulating a bus. SVCs were not being correctly shown in these places. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed issue with WT3E and WT4E "exciters" in which Kiv and Kpv are both zero. This is actually OK if the control is not being used.
- Transient Stability: Fixed parameter order with SWSHNT model.
- Transient Stability: Bug fixes to UEL2_PTI model.
- Transient Stability: Removed three load shedding parameters from the CLOD model.
- Transient Stability: Fixed access violation associated with loading FACRI_SC model from aux file. This could occur if identifying the associated series capacitor by a multi-section line and section number.
- Transient Stability: Fixed load relays so they don't trip if the bus is not inservice.