Features and Improvements
- Case Information Displays: Added Memo field for Model Conditions, Model Filters, and Custom Model Expressions.
- Fault Analysis: Can now optionally append sequence data when loaded from the Fault Analysis dialog. A prompt will be given to clear all sequence data first or append if opening an auxiliary file or a PTI *.seq file where the *.seq file contains a 0 indicator for new data. If the *.seq file contains a 1 indicating that data should be appended, no prompt is given and the data is just appended.
- File Formats: When loading in a PTI RAW file or PSLF EPC file, the participation factors of generators are now set to the PMax MW of the unit instead of the generator MVA Base.
- Oneline Diagrams: Added Center X/Longitude Location and Center Y/Latitude Location fields to the Display Explorer case information displays. These provide the center location of an object. Changing these values will update the X/Longitude and Y/Latitude fields.
- PV and QV Curve (PVQV) Tool: When using Integrated Topology Processing, checking for inadequate voltages, and excluding a bus because it is radial, the radial check is now done on the consolidated super bus instead of the original node.
- Transient Stability: Fixed potential error with initializing temperature control block that is at a limit for GAST2 and GASTWD governors.
- Transient Stability: For exciter EX2000, added initial limit violation correction for parameter RefLimP.
- Transient Stability: When converting the CMPLDW model to component parts for use in the power flow, the WSCC dynamics model for the static load component was not being correctly assigned. This has been fixed.
- Transient Stability: Fixed a List Out of Bounds error that could occur when running transient stability analysis with a case that contains more than one multi-terminal DC line.