Features and Improvements
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): The text field for script command WriteTextToFile and the Header_Value_List for script command SaveDataWithExtra will now allow special keywords to specify date, time, and version. @BUILDDATE, @DATETIME, @DATE, @TIME, and @VERSION will be replaced with the appropriate values.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New objecttype POWERWORLDSESSION is now available that will provide access to the Simulator executable currently being used. Use variablename VERSION to return just the executable version and VERSION:1 to return a string listing the add ons.
- Auxiliary Files (SCRIPT and DATA Sections): New objecttype POWERWORLDSESSION provides access to a string containing the system slack buses. Use variablename BUSSLACK to return a string containing bus numbers and names of all system slack buses. Use variablename BUSSLACK:1 to return a string containing the system slack buses along with MW and Mvar ouptut values and minimum and maximum limits.
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Overlap Gen MW field is now available with contingency records to list the total amount of overlapped gen when accounting for overlaps in injection group actions involving Set To and Change By actions of opening generators in merit order.
- Oneline Diagrams: Case Information Memo Text object now allows you to display system slack buses on a oneline diagram. The executable version information can be displayed as well. Currently, only the list of system slack buses without MW and Mvar information can be saved to the PWD, and only version information without the add ons can be saved.
- Contingency Analysis: When calculating OTDF values for contingency violations, report the PTDF value even if the OTDF ends up being zero. Previously, we were also reporting zero for the PTDF. The Contingency Violation List table will now automatically be refreshed when calculating OTDFs.
- Contingency Analysis: When using contingency analysis with topology processing it was possible for a non-primary bus to be reported as a low limit voltage violation if its superbus became disconnected during a contingency. This is no longer considered a violation and the bus will not be reported.
- Contingency Analysis: When using contingency analysis with topology processing, the option to only monitor the primary bus for each superbus was working in the opposite manner. If the option was NOT selected, only the primary bus for a superbus would be monitored. This has been fixed.
- File Formats: Problems could be encountered when loading text files with non-US English characters. This has been fixed.
- File Formats: When reading Areva CSV file, LN records that do not specify one end are ignored.
- General: Fixed a minor issue with switching away from and back to a dialog once it has been maximized. When you came back to the dialog it would no longer appear as if it was maximized.
- Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): When using contingency analysis with topology processing it was possible for a non-primary bus to be reported as a low limit voltage violation if its superbus became disconnected during a contingency. This is no longer considered a violation and the bus will not be reported.
- Integrated Topology Processing (ITP): When using contingency analysis with topology processing, the option to only monitor the primary bus for each superbus was working in the opposite manner. If the option was NOT selected, only the primary bus for a superbus would be monitored. This has been fixed.
- Oneline Diagrams: When selecting to delete multiple screen layers, only the objects of the first selected layer were being deleted. This has been fixed.
- Sensitivity Calculations: Fixed a bug calculating the contingent flow on an element for a line closure LCDF calculation when using the LODF calculation dialog when the Near Bus selected was not the line's From Bus. This bug did not affect contingency analysis, ATC, or other calculations where LCDFs are used. It only affected the flow displayed on the LODF dialog.
- Transient Stability: Fixed bug associated with exciter URST5T wind up limits.
- Transient Stability: Fixed issue with Vb limit for several exciters.
- User Interface Dialogs: On the bus and substation dialogs, allow the latitude and longitude values to be deleted.