Features and Improvements
- Contingency Analysis Tool: Added option to use branch Normal Status when determining Bus Groupings as a standalone or as part of auto inserting contingencies.
- GIC: Added a GIC script command for setting up the time-varying series. Also added logging when the time-varying series is setup and made functions for some of the more common script processes.
- GIC: Added script command GICSetupTimeVaryingSeries(aStartTimeSec,aEndTimeSec,aDeltaTime) to update the time-varying values; for all time using parameters of 0,0,0,
- GIC: added another parameter to the GICShiftOrStretchInputPoints command to update the time-varying values with a default of "YES"
- GIC: added a log entry whenever the time-varying series is updated.
- Oneline Diagrams: Fixed minor bug with TS Contour Toolbar contour dialog being opened when there is no oneline
- Oneline Diagrams: On a oneline with a large number of Geo Data View objects, it could take a long time to delete an object. This has been fixed.
- User Interface Dialogs: Fixed showing generator ID on the Breaker Isolated Groups generator table.