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PowerWorld Simulator Integration with EPRI GICHarm

Beginning with version 24, PowerWorld Simulator’s GIC add-on is integrated with the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) GICHarm tool. The latter performs harmonic analysis on grid connected devices such as capacitor banks to determine if expected geomagnetic induced currents (GICs) could cause them to trip. This integration enables an iterative analysis, summarized by:

  1. Using an assumed electric field, calculate the GICs
  2. Solve a GIC-enhanced power flow, in which the transformer reactive power losses include a GIC dependent component
  3. Calculate the harmonics, with bus voltage total harmonic distortion (THDv) key
  4. Determine if any devices (e.g., capacitors) need to be outaged
    • if so, remove them and return to step 1;
    • otherwise done

PowerWorld Corporation co-founder and Texas A&M University Professor Thomas Overbye describes the integration in this presentation.

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January 27, 2025