Knowledge Base

Voltage Setpoint Tolerance

This article discusses a new feature that will be available in PowerWorld Simulator 21 when it released in 2019.  If you are a customer of PowerWorld Simulator who is interested in testing the feature before Simulator 21 is released, please contact PowerWorld Corporation at PowerWorld Simulator 21 will have a new field associated with […]

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January 30, 2019

Renewable Generators: Voltage Droop Control with Deadband in Power Flow Solution

This article discusses a new feature that will be available in PowerWorld Simulator 21 when it released in 2019.  If you are a customer of PowerWorld Simulator who is interested in testing the feature before Simulator 21 is released, please contact PowerWorld Corporation at Presentation on Voltage Droop Control with Deadband White Paper on […]

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October 24, 2018

Improved Synchronous Machine Model GENTPW

Presentation on GENTPW Model White Paper on GENTPW Model PowerWorld Corporation has developed a new synchronous machine model named GENTPW.  This model has been implemented in PowerWorld Simulator Version 20 and is available now. This model extends enhancements made in the GENTPF/GENTPJ which more accurately represents the effect of saturation on the machine during steady […]

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October 24, 2018

Coordinated Initialization of the Load Distribution Equivalent, Load Characteristic, and Load Distributed Generation Models

Generator modeling in transient stability simulation software has been modularized for decades. Generators are modeled using a Machine Model, Exciter, Governor, Stabilizer, etc.  Several new modules for generators have been added in the past few years specifically for wind turbine and renewable energy modeling. Load models however had remained stuck with only 2 models: a load […]

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January 8, 2016

Updated and Validated Power Flow Model of the Main Continental European Transmission Network

View Paper Authors Abstract The advent of liberalisation of the electricity market in Europe has seen the growth of cross-border trading of energy. Zhou & Bialek published in 2005 a paper outlining an approximate model which simulated the real network and could be used to analyse the effects of cross-border trades in a test environment. This paper presents an […]


April 9, 2013

Creating and Modifying System Diagrams

Simulator provides a number of tools to aid you in creating and modifying system diagrams rapidly and efficiently: You can specify default drawing values for display objects based on object type and nominal kV.  These values can also be saved to or loaded from auxiliary files providing continuity when creating multiple diagrams. Insert palettes for […]

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October 4, 2011