Machine Model: PVD1


Model Equations and/or Block Diagrams


Pqflag Priority to reactive current (0) or active current (1)
Xc Line drop compensation reactance (pu on mbase)
Qmx Maximum change in reactive power due to voltage droop response (in pu on mbase)
Qmn Minimum change in reactive power due to voltage droop response (in pu on mbase)
V0 Lower limit of deadband for voltage droop response (pu)
V1 Upper limit of deadband for voltage droop response (pu)
Dqdv Voltage droop response characteristic
fdbd Overfrequency deadband for governor response (pu deviation)
Ddn Down regulation droop gain (pu on mbase)
Imax Apparent current limit (pu on mbase)
Vt0 Voltage below which all generation is tripped (pu)
Vt1 Voltage below which generation starts to trip (pu)
Vt2 Voltage above which generation starts to trip (pu)
Vt3 Voltage above which all generation is tripped (pu)
Vrflag Fraction of generation that can reconnect after low or high voltage tripping. 0.0 means voltage tripping is permanent; 1.0 means all generation can reconnect; Between 0 and 1 for partially self-resetting
Ft0 Frequency below which all generation is tripped (pu)
Ft1 Frequency below which generation starts to trip (pu)
Ft2 Frequency above which generation starts to trip (pu)
Ft3 Frequency above which all generation is tripped (pu)
Frflag Fraction of generation that can reconnect after low or high frequency tripping. 0.0 means frequency tripping is permanent; 1.0 means all generation can reconnect; Between 0 and 1 for partially self-resetting
Tg Inverter current lag time constant (seconds)
Tf Frequency measurement lag time constant (seconds)
Vtmax Voltage limit for high voltage clamp logic (pu)
Lvpnt1 Low voltage active current management breakpoint 1 (pu)
lvpnt0 Low voltage active current management breakpoint 0 (pu)
qmin High Voltage reactive current management term for PSLF (not used by PowerWorld)
accel High Voltage reactive current management term for PSLF (not used by PowerWorld)