Transient Stability: Results Storage: Storage to Hard Drive
The Results Storage page is found on the Transient Stability Analysis dialog.
This section describes how to choose which results to store to Hard Drive during the transient stability simulation. Results that are stored to Hard Drive can still be directly visualized using Simulator's Plotting tools. The options are depicted in the figure below.
Specify the directory on your computer in which to store the results. For each transient contingency, one file will be written to this directory. The filename will be the name of the contingency with the *.TSR file extension. When a transient stability simulation is started for a particular transient contingency, if a file already exists in this directory with the appropriate name then the file will be emptied and replaced with the results from the new stability run.
If this field is left blank, Simulator will attempt to save data in the same directory the case was loaded from. If a directory is specified but does not exist, Simulator will give you the option to create that directory or abort the run.
Because a large amount of data will be written to this file, it is best to not use a network drive which may cause some latency in writing results during the simulation. This latency can slow down the numerical simulation if the network drive is slow.
There will be log message warnings when parsing a TSR file to warn if objects in the TSR file do not exist in the present power flow case, but only 20 log messages will be written regarding objects that are not in the present case.
Object Types to Include
A list of objects types for which transient stability results can be stored. All fields (including the dynamic states) will be stored for each object in the TSR file. The only filtering allowed presently is to limit the results by the Area/Zone/Owner filters by checking the box Only store every result for objects which meet the Area/Zone Filters. Clicking the Edit Area/Zone Filters will open the Area/Zone/Owner filters case information display.
Storage of States, Other Fields, and Input Fields
Specify how the states, other fields and input fields are stored in the Hard Drive for the objects. Selecting Also store states for each object will store all of the states for the objects. Selecting Also store other fields for each object will store the other fields with each object. Selecting Also store input fields for each object will store the inputs for the objects.
TSR File Archiving
Check the Enable Auto-Archive of TSR Files checkbox to save multiple copies of TSR files for the same contingencies. The names will be appended with a number indicator to distinguish the files. The Maximum Number of Archive Files value should be set to indicate how many archived files should be kept. When the maximum number of files has been archived, the first archived file will be overwritten and the archiving will continue from there overwriting subsequent files in the order in which they were created. If a file in the order has been deleted, that file will be created first. For example, assume that archive files with numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 exist. The next file to be created will be the file appended with 3.