Transient Stability Case Info Menu

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The Stability Case Info menu is available by selecting Stability Case Info in the Transient Stability (TS) ribbon group on the Add Ons ribbon tab.



The menu provides direct access to several case information displays that show default columns related to input and output of the transient stability tool. There are also options available for loading and saving transient stability models.

Transient Stability

Choose this option to open the Transient Stability Analysis dialog.

Show Transient Contour Toolbar

Choose this option to make the Transient Contour Toolbar visible.

Case Information\Exciters, Governors, Machine Models, Stabilizers, Load Characteristic Models, Load Relays, Other Stability Models...

Choosing any of these options will open a case information display for the appropriate model type. This same information can be accessed through the Transient Stability folder on the Model Explorer.

The stability case information displays can be used to change and define new models with the case. For a more complete description of the Model Explorer interaction with the transient stability models, see the Transient Stability Model Explorer help topic.

Models in Use

Choose this option to view a summary of transient stability models defined in the case. The summary includes the model name, whether the model is active or inactive, and whether or not the model is fully supported in Simulator. (For a small number of models, the model can be read by Simulator but is not actually supported for stability simulation. These models are marked as Fully Supported = NO).

Generator Model Use

Choose this option to view a summary of all generators in the case and any stability models that have been defined for each generator. Inactive models are shown in parenthesis. Use toggle to change active status of models. If multiple models exist for a particular model type, they are listed separated by commas.

Load Model Use

Choose this option to view a summary of all loads in the case and any stability models that have been defined for each load. Inactive models are shown in parenthesis. Use toggle to change active status of models. If multiple models exist for a particular model type, they are listed separated by commas.

Models Supported Status

Choose this option to view a list of all models which can be created in PowerWorld Simulator along with designations regarding what other software supports these models, and whether Simulator is able to include these models in the stability simulation.

DYD Extra Record

Choose this option to view a list of the DYD Extra Records transient models that we do not have support for in PowerWorld but was read and stored when a dyd file was loaded in PowerWorld. Example of DYD Extra Records are the dc line models of vscdc and dcmt that now are read and stored as a DYD Extra Record object. These records only contain the string data that was read from the dyd file and are also written to a dyd file if the user decide to save the dynamic models into a dyd file. The DYD Extra Record are also saved in the pwb file. The records can only be deleted from the table and can only be added by reading a dyd file or loading an aux file with a DYDExtraRecord object.

Load/Save Transient Stability Data

Choose the appropriate option to save or load transient stability model data in the desired format. Models are supported in the Simulator auxiliary file format (*.aux), BPA dynamics data format (*.swi), GE dynamics data format (*.dyd or *.dyc), GE OTGD data (*.otgd ) and PTI dynamics data format (*.dyr). MCRE *.rwm files, MTRLD *.dat files, GNET *.idv files, and BASEGEN *.dat files can also be applied. For more details about loading the GE DYD file see the Reading DYD files help topic.

Insert Transient Stability Data

Choose to Auto Insert DistRelay Models.

Clear All Transient Stability Data

Choose this option to delete all transient stability models.