Time Step Simulation: Specifying and Maintaining a List of Timepoints

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The list of time points is the basis for the Time Step Simulation. Simulator will go through the list of time points and solve each one of them in sequence. Results will be available only for those time points specified in the list. Intervals as small as one second can define a time point.

Whether you start with an empty list or you already have time points in it, you can insert new time points by right-clicking in the Summary page and selecting Insert New Timepoint(s). This will bring up the New Time Point Dialog.

The list of time points will always be sorted based on the date/time shown on the Date and Time columns in the Summary page. Thus, if you create a new time point with an intermediate date/time, Simulator will insert it at the appropriate place in the list. If you need to change the date/time of a time point you can right-click in the Summary grid and select Time Point records > Change Timepoint Time to bring up the Change Timepoint Time Dialog. This dialog is similar to the New Timepoint Dialog, with the exception that instead of specifying the date/time for a new time point, you will be modifying the date/time of an existing time point. If the date/time matches the date/time of an existing time point, a warning message is issued.

Each time point is linked to its results data in what is called a Timepoint Record. The Timepoint Record contains the date and time of the time point, all the input data specified for that point, and if any, the results that have been obtained for that time point. If you delete a time point, the entire record is deleted with it. In order to delete the time point you can right-click in the Summary grid and select Delete Entire Timepoint Record. Note that you can vertically select cells in this grid and delete several time point records at a time.

Suppose that you have 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM time points that have associated with them hourly MW load data. If you insert 2:00 AM data, the 2:00 AM cell of the MW load will appear empty. If you run a study, no data will be applied to the power system at 2:00 AM, but you will get a result (identical to the one of 1:00 AM). You need to fill the 2:00 AM cells with data in order for the values to be applied at that time point and obtain the correct results for 2:00 AM.