Scheduled Actions Analysis
The Scheduled Actions tools is only available if you have purchased the Schedule add-on to the base Simulator package. Contact PowerWorld Corporation for details about ordering the Schedule Add-on of Simulator.
The Scheduled Actions Analysis tools provide the ability to visualize the combined effects of planned equipment outages. Actions (such as Open, Close, or manipulating object field values) can be scheduled, visualized, and applied to the system, allowing their compounded effects to be analyzed. Users can manually scroll over a specified time period or automatically animate the actions being applied over that window, and view a Gantt chart overview of all Scheduled Action Groups.
For more information on using the Scheduled Actions Tools, please refer to the Scheduled Actions Dialog help page, or the pages for the related objects:
CROW CSV file import
PowerWorld can import CSV files exported from Control Room Operations Window (CROW) outage coordination software. Due to different device identification conventions, however, some specific labels must be created for applicable devices in the PowerWorld case to link them to the devices referenced in the CSV file. If you are interested in interfacing with CROW software, please contact PowerWorld for labeling instructions.