ATC Analysis Methods: Iterated Linear Step (IL) then Full CTG Solution


This method takes the solution process a step further than just the Iterated Linear (IL) method. Instead of using linear sensitivities to calculate the impact of contingencies on the transfer limits, full contingencies are implemented and solved with a full power flow solution. Be aware however, that this calculation method can be extremely slow.

The initial iteration process of (IL) then Full CTG Solution method starts by performing the steps outlined in the Iterated Linear (IL) process. As the initial iteration process is performed, the transfer limiter may be different (i.e. the contingency and limiting element pair may be different) during each iteration. Once the Stepsize is determined to be less than or equal to the tolerance (or the maximum number of iterations is met) the order of the limiters is set.

At this point, the first user specified Transfer Limiters to Iterate On are taken from the list of limiters and the steps outlined in the Iterated Linear (IL) process are repeated for each limiter individually, with the contingency and limiting element pair of each limiter remaining set as determined in the initial process. Some limiters that will appear in the list of limiters are not valid for iterating on individually. These limiters include those indicating the full transfer amount could not be ramped in the initial process and those indicating that a reserve limitation has been met on the source or sink. These type of limiters will be skipped when choosing those to iterate on individually.

Once the iterated process has been repeated for an individual limiter, there are two different ways that the processing of the full contingency can proceed. If choosing to NOT Force all transfer ramping to occur in pre-contingency states and repeat full CTG solutions, the contingency of each transfer limiter is then enforced in the power flow topology, and a power flow solution is performed to give a new contingency power flow solution to use as the base for each transfer limiter. If the option to Use Specific Solution Options for Contingencies is checked, then the power flow is solved with the options defined with the Contingency Solution Options. Otherwise, the power flow is solved with the options specified with the Power Flow Solution Options. In either case, the Make-Up Power option specified with the contingency analysis options is used when applying the contingency. The iterative process outlined in the Iterated Linear (IL) method is then repeated again for each individual transfer limiter with the specified contingency of each limiter actually in place in the power flow solution. If the contingency solution fails to converge, the transfer limitation will be reported highlighted in orange with the Iteratively Found field set to CTG_FAIL_IN_FULL, and the Transfer Limit that is reported will be the value determined from the iterated process performed on the individual limiter before the contingency was applied. If the contingency fails to solve because a contingency Abort action has been implemented, the Iteratively Found field is set to CTG_ABORTED_AFTER_LINEAR, and the Transfer Limit that is reported will be the value determined from the iterated process performed on the individual limiter before the contingency was applied.

If choosing to Force all transfer ramping to occur in pre-contingency states and repeat full CTG solutions, after the iterated process is complete for an individual limiter, the contingency of each transfer limiter is fully implemented in the following steps:

Transfer limitations found by implementing the full contingency solution are highlighted in aqua in the results with the Iteratively Found field set to FULL.

This method can be applied between combinations of areas and superareas, OR between two injection groups. Combinations of areas/superareas and injection groups are not allowed.

When using this method, the PTDF and OTDF cutoff values are set to (Modified in version 22, build on May 25, 2021) 0.1 times their specified values internally by the ATC process when iterating on individual limiters. Once limiters are in the list as having acceptable distribution factors following the process where all limiters are iterated on as a whole, they should not be eliminated during the process when they are being iterated on individually. Actual implementation of the contingency as opposed to the linear determination of the impact of the contingency could lead to some large differences in the distribution factor post-contingency for some contingency scenarios. The only time that these differences could be a problem is if implementation of the contingency actually causes the monitored element to no longer be limiting, i.e. the distribution factor goes to zero. If this happens for any limiter, that limiter will be marked internally as having an infinite transfer amount, will show up in the results with a very large transfer limiter value, and will be excluded from the count of the number of limiters that have been iterated on. (Modified in version 22, build on May 25, 2021) Additionally, the Iteratively Found field will be set to YES_INFINITE if the full contingency solution was not implemented or FULL_INFINITE if the full contingency solution was implemented. The next limiter in the list will then be processed until the number of Transfer Limiters to Iterate on has been met or there are no more limiters.