New Features/Minor Improvements:

  • (March 7, 2012) Changed how Derived Status is determined. If Status = OPEN then Derived Status = OPEN else if breaker then Derived Status = CLOSED. If non-breaker shunt device (gen, load, or switched shunt) and a closed breaker is found by looking outward from the device terminal, a device is considered to be CLOSED. For a non-breaker branch, look from both terminals to determine if CLOSED, OPEN (no closed breaker at either terminal), OPEN FROM (closed breaker at to terminal only), or OPEN TO (closed breaker at from terminal only). Encountering a shunt device (gen, load, or switched shunt) when examining a branch will be considered the same as finding a closed breaker.
  • (March 9, 2012) Added Online field for dc lines and VSC dc lines.
  • (March 9, 2012) Added Derived Online field for branches, dc lines, and VSC dc lines. If Online = NO then Derived Online = OPEN, else Derived Online = Derived Status.
  • (April 4, 2012) Added Center X/Longitude Location and Center Y/Latitude Location fields to the Display Explorer case information displays. These provide the center location of an object. Changing these values will update the X/Longitude and Y/Latitude fields.
  • (April 26, 2012) New objecttype POWERWORLDSESSION is now available that will provide access to the Retriever executable currently being used. Use variablename VERSION to return just the executable version and VERSION:1 to return a string listing the add ons.