
GMD Vulnerability Assessment and NERC TPL-007-1

We recently developed a spreadsheet template for analyzing transformer thermal response due to geomagnetically induced current (GIC), as described in the NERC Transformer Thermal Impact Assessment White Paper. Details for this and for modeling of the NERC Benchmark GMD Event are provided in these knowledge-base articles.

We will extend an offer to our North American Simulator customers to perform a “sample set” of GIC calculations at no cost. These sample calculations would estimate:

  1. worst-case field orientation (angle) for transformer GIC Mvar losses;
  2. field strength at worst-case field orientation that could produce GIC Mvar losses high enough to trigger a voltage collapse, and QV curves for a selected bus at the worst-case field orientation;
  3. GIC and Mvar losses for all transformers at worst-case field orientation;
  4. GIC(t) of a selected transformer (or transformer with highest estimated GIC current during worst-case angle) for the NERC Benchmark GMD Event; and
  5. thermal response of windings and metallic parts of a selected transformer (or transformer with highest estimated GIC current during worst-case angle) for the NERC Benchmark GMD Event.

Please note that these estimated results would have key limitations. They would be based on:

  1. estimated parameters for all transformers and substations; and
  2. a single, standard FERC 715 power flow system model with a base-case topology.

A more detailed study with client-supplied transformer and substation parameters could be provided under a contract. Many of our customers have also purchased Simulator GIC to perform their own studies.

We hope we can be of service in helping you meet planning requirements of NERC TPL-007-1.